How to Get Your Security Deposit Back When Moving Out


So you are ready to move to either your own house (congrats!) or a new neighbourhood. However, you realize that your landlord still owes you that security check. Here’s the bummer. What are the odds that your landlord is going to give you the security deposit you seek? Is that even going to happen? Well, that depends on following factors. 


  1. Understanding Your Lease Agreement

Time to see what was promised and secured on that contract. What were the conditions you had agreed upon before moving in? There is a possible chance that the security deposit will have a separate section. 


  1. Make Sure Your Living Place is Fine and Undamaged

This one is the most important. How nice were you to the landlord and did you do any damage to the property? Typically, the sole purpose of security check is to pay for possible damages. If you wrecked up the place or didn’t pay your rent on time, then that security check is as good as gone. However, if you were as much a nice tenant as possible, then there is a good chance of getting back that security check. 


  1. Clean Thoroughly Before Moving Out

Make sure that the place you last stayed at is as clean as possible. The layers of dust and box wappings aren’t littering that place. The cleaner you leave the place, the more presentable the place will look to the new tenants. That way, you are also a step ahead in getting your security deposit back. 


  1. Schedule a Walk-Through

Before officially moving out, schedule a walk-through with your landlord. This gives both of you an opportunity to assess the condition of the property together. Having the landlord present may help clarify any potential deductions and gives you a chance to address any concerns on the spot.


  1. Return All Keys

Leaving behind keys or not returning them on time can lead to charges from your deposit. Make sure you hand over all copies of keys, garage remotes, and any other access devices that came with the property. That way, you will always be in good book of your previous landlord. Who knows? You might need to shift here again.